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Testimonials from participants of Dru Courses
N.S., Victoria, Australia |
I have discovered that my work with people who have intellectual disabilities has reached a much higher level of consciousness, awareness and communication which I feel has come about from my involvement with Dru Yoga.
Sarah H. - Marketing Manager, ACT, Australia |
My life has completely changed over the past 3 months. I made a decision at the retreat to practice everyday, which I have honored about 95% of the time! And I also attended 2 classes a week last term. Dru yoga has changed me on a much deeper level than I have ever experienced change before, and as a result I have changed the way I interact with the world. Dru has helped me to open my heart and not live from my head and my life is so much richer because of my changed perception. I feel as though my heart is alive and buzzing inside my body, not like a frozen iceberg any more! I can’t pinpoint when that change occurred, but one day I became consciously aware of how completely different I felt. My work mates have noticed that I am a much happier and relaxed person and as a result I have been open to getting to know them and have made some really lovely friendships. I have also been offered another contract when others have not had theirs renewed. One of my colleagues and another woman I met through work came to a class at the end of last term and they are both coming back next year – my colleague has the promo DVD and I have lent her my EBR 3 CD so she can practice over the holidays! My boss wants to come in the New Year and another couple of colleagues will possibly come too!
The improvements in my health have been amazing! Stuff that I have been struggling with for years (10+) has gone! I have also been seeing a naturopath and chiropractor over the past 3 months, but I know that Dru has played a key role in the shift I have experienced – I am sleeping so much better, waking up earlier, with more energy and in a positive mood.
My flat mate commented really early on (a couple of weeks after the retreat) that I seemed much happier. My brother has commented that I have become the big sister that he always wanted. I have such an amazing sense of self, I am much more comfortable in my own skin, have a lot less judgment towards myself and others (though it’s still there and gets rather triggered this time of year especially!!) and for the first time in my life have 100% confidence to do what I want to do with my life – I’m not worried about what other people think about me (most of the time!) I have the confidence and focus to walk my path and not get distracted by what others are doing around me.
I have experienced the power of the Archer in EBR 3 – I haven’t found any other yoga that encourages me to focus on my goals and help make them a reality. Dru has so many incredible benefits. I have spent my whole life comparing myself to others and now I want to and love being me! I am not academically qualified and have always had a sense of being less than because of that. The reason I moved to Canberra was to study at ANU, but I have now realized that it is not academic study I need, and I feel just so completely right about studying Dru. I feel very blessed to have been given a place for the 2006 course. Dru yoga is so much more than an exercise program – it is a way of life, I can’t tell enough people about it or recommend it highly enough. It’s magic! You know what I mean, don’t you?! I am very confident I will have many more wonderful stories of transformation to report as my journey continues, as I know how deeply and profoundly this beautiful yoga works – it is a true gift.
Elspeth Johnston – Yoga Teacher, Scotland |
Over 20 years ago I met the Life Foundation. Since then I have become involved with homeless people and people with alcohol and drug addictions. I also take yoga classes for disabled people. Twenty years ago I was afraid of doing any of these things. Mansukh Patel helped me discover my own self-esteem – helped me to realize I could be someone other than a wife/mother/sister/auntie etc. My life has been full and blessed. He and his team have given me the tools to help myself and I am passing them onto others. I am now in my 65 th year and can look back on the last 20 with great gratitude to them all.
K.W., Educator, NSW, Australia |
The Dru Yoga Teacher training Course I completed in Australia was one of the simplest, deepest, and best steps to self-empowerment that I have ever done in my life.
Dru yoga and the experience of the teacher training course has empowered me professionally when I was about to give up on my beloved profession in education, after 28 years, finding it far too unrewarding, depressing, demanding and stressful. My own yoga practices and understand has given me far greater energy, greater clarity, ability to set healthy boundaries again, and a joy, positivity and enthusiasm that life had simply knocked out of me.
Dru yoga has integrated much of my physical, spiritual and emotional understanding and knowledge into a fresh, more flexible, more rewarding, happier daily reality.
I recommend this course most strongly, and the quality of the teachers and techniques taught by Life Foundation's worldwide and Australian team, to anyone who wants to be happy, whole and healthy at any stage in their lives.
J.T., Therapist, Mid Wales, UK |
Cources have enabled me to build relationships, overcome rejection in
the most difficult circumstances. Scales fell from my eyes, enabling
me to see more clearly the reality of life. Emotional baggage I hardly
knew I had, became surplus to requirement and I was able to dump it.
Confidence grew as I learnt to trust my own truth, recognize my skills
and ability to communicate and interact openly, accepting the gifts I
had been given and sharing with others.
I have learnt that we stand and face the trials of life, we do not
turn and run, but, we maintain joy through all adversities, never
losing sight of the bigger picture and retaining the gift of love and
gratitude for everything is a learning experience.
Keep up your good work for we never stop learning and what better way
than the DRU Way; my Yoga Group love it and my growth and confidence
helps those on my therapy couch and my family.
C.R., Managing Director, London, UK |
Dru Yoga … changed my life. It gave me the courage to make changes both internally and externally in my life without fear. It made me supple in my body but also in my attitude and outlook on life, as I was so used to being a rigid person only feeling secure living by rules.
I learned to love my life, to respect who I am and to come to know a power deep inside that was unlimited and literally invincible. I went through what was at the time my greatest fear and found that I could not only survive it but change my whole perspective on it and on myself and see it as a gift rather than a danger.
I now feel I have a place in this world, and more than enough in me to feel adequate, alive and empowered in what is real success – the courage and motivation to be me and to live life to its fullest.
Life has become so exciting – filled with miracles. And I am beyond grateful for this.
E.F., Lecturer, Scotland |
Dru Yoga has helped me to find a balance in my life that is more than the control of my emotions. My flexibility, has increased, which is more than physical. My awareness has been sharpened, which is more that spiritual. In other words I am developing which is more than just living. I am learning to accept my presence in the present. Now is all that is real for me and others with whom I am in contact. Life is now a journey of awareness of the present. Thank you for facilitating this journey.
Sheila, Teacher, North Wales |
People who are here for a few days become calm, more focused and find themselves being part of nature. Stress falls away and strangers become friends in an atmosphere of openness, harmony and laughter.
Kate M., Homeopath, France |
Dear Life Foundation,
I am writing to express my thanks and gratitude for all the wonderful times I have spent with you, at the North Wales Course Centre, both as a participant and a volunteer. I have continually been impressed with the high quality of teaching and inspiration that is offered. The tool and skills that are taught to empower lives create remarkable transformations in the lives of all who are touched by them. I personally have experienced significant changes in my life, as a consequence of involvement with you all and have passed on those skills and insights to those I work with both in the homeopathic practice and my yoga teaching.
I have found all members of the Life Foundation to be totally supportive and accepting of all who attend the centre, welcoming everyone without any discrimination.
I believe your way of being is an excellent model for all of society, in that you live your lives with integrity and truth, practising, on an everyday basis, what you teach.
Please continue to hold this space so that others, like me, can benefit from your vision and practise of a peaceful world.
Maureen B. - Public Health Development Advisor, Manchester |
Over the years, I have seen many people visiting Snowdon Lodge International Course Centre in search of respite from the pressures of modern living. Nurtured by the care and attention that is given to all course participants, Snowdon Lodge has become a haven for those who wish to leave behind the demands and stresses in their lives.
As a participant myself, I have found that the key to the genuine feeling of increased wellbeing I always experience after attending a course, can be attributed to the unique skills offered by members of the Life Foundation team. The skills in question combine flowing Dru Yoga sequences that can be practised by all; the most caring and nurturing relaxation techniques I have ever come across; the availability of healing therapies on site; the inspirational discussions on health matters; leisurely walks on the doorstep in the beautiful Nant Ffrancon valley; and the most delicious vegetarian food I’ve ever tasted.
Snowdon Lodge is highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a special place to recharge, revitalise and rejuvenate. |
How you can take Dru home: Further reading, viewing and listening
Dru Yoga – Stillness in Motion – the definitive Dru Yoga book by Chris Barrington, Anita Goswami, Annie Jones, foreword by Mansukh Patel. It’s modern presentation with crystal clear descriptions, photos and diagrammes gives you body-mind yoga at its best, with chapters giving potent techniques for: easing back pain, building confidence, overcoming depression, gaining fitness, building vitality, meditation, relaxation, pranayama and so much more. More than 30 bonus 10-minute techniques for todays busy lifestyle.
Turning Point by Mansukh Patel and Anita Goswami
Awakening Soulforce by Mansukh Patel
Flame that Transforms by Mansukh Patel and Savitri MacCuishatel
Believe in Yourself by Mansukh Patel
Secret Power of Light by Mansukh Patel
Crisis and the Miracle of Love by Mansukh Patel
For those who prefer to watch TV,
Try the new Dru Yoga DVD, with Mansukh Patel and Coby Langford – 2hrs 30mins with 9 Dru Yoga programmes to suit every stage of the day, every level of experience.
Or the Body Heart Mind Video by Mansukh Patel and Paulette Agnew £12.95 contains a daily programme and many beautiful Dru Yoga sequences filmed in Kenya.
Bhagavad Gita DVD series, presented by Mansukh Patel
Living and Dying video by Mansukh Patel
Mansukh Patel in Dialogue with Young People (video)
Mansukh Patel on Relationships
If you prefer CD, highly recommended introductions to the power of Dru Yoga are:
Easing Back Pain by Mansukh Patel and Coby Langford.
Health and Harmony - Energy Block Release 1 – Padma McIntyre
Total Health - Energy Block Release 2 – Louise Rowan
Awakening the Heart - Energy Block Release 3 – Anita Goswami
Energy and Flow - Energy Block Release 4 – Susan Kulas
Clarity and Creativity – Energy Block Release 5 – Lalita Doerstel
Energy Block Release 6 – Ruth Boaler
For information on these and other Dru products, please contact your regional Dru centre.